September 24, 2023 Meeting Minutes

  Minutes of BOD fall meeting on September 24, 2023

The BOD meeting was called to order at 8:40 at Lloyd and Terry’s home by Shannon Klundt with the pledge of allegiance. Members present were Shannon, Lloyd, Rick, Scott, Becky

, Brian and Carolyn (by Zoom). Missing were Barb, Tim and Dodi.

MSP to approve the agenda was passed

MSP to approve the BOD minutes from the June 2023 summer meeting was passed

MSP Treasurers report from Brian was presented very well with a very understandable spread sheet. Brian stated that as of 15 Sept 2023 we had the following balances

General fund checking account             $6777.53

Walleye stocking fund                           $5220.00


Total of                                                   $11,997.51

Lake Protection fund

Checking account                                  $4265.70

CD                                                         $15000.00


Total of                                                  $19,265.70

Brian also informed the board that he had filed with the state of Minn for our yearly non profit status and not confused with a 401c3 filing. He had a spread sheet showing everything and was very well organized in keeping with the treasurers tradition. He also reported that we have 89 paid members at this time. Motion was made, seconded and passed to accept the treasurers report,

MSP to change our book keeping and all business from fiscal year to calendar year. This means that all dues paid for the 2023-2024 year are now paid in full until Dec 31,2024. After discussions pro and con it passed.

MSP to write and send out ASK mailer to those who are not current with their memberships. Becky will write it up and Lloyd will get them printed and mailed out. Motion was made and seconded and passed.

Discuss cabin coffee’s. Date are to be on June 14, July 12 and August 8. We have no one volunteering yet but should have success in the spring after the blurbs come out.

Set and approve Bod meetings on May 5, June 23 and September 22. Lloyd and Terry have offered their home for the meetings and as a lake association address to send correspondence to. Some of the correspondences will be sent to Brian and Sharron’s address. The annual meeting will be held on July 20 as set by the by-laws. Rick has also volunteered to host bod meetings in the future.

Discussed ACCL (association of Cass County lakes) meetings. They were informative and we were represented at 4 of the 5 monthly meetings. We stated that we also purchased 2 AIS boat cleaning kits and installed them at the public access and Lake Haven resort grounds.

Discussed beaver control and water level issues. The trapper reported relocating 26 beaver again during this year and various activities with the beaver dam. Lloyd will secure another yearly contract with him to remove dams and beavers as needed. He is still doing a great job. We pay $850.00 per year. Scott reported that for varying reasons our water level is only down less than a foot this year which is great.

Discussed bod email and phone #s and it was decided to remove email addresses from both the blurb and the web site, People can call the board and we can share email as we see fit. This is to stop the possibility for hacking. The was a motion, seconded and passed. Scott has been doing a lot of work on the web site to update it and we thank him.

Becky commented that the fall blurb is almost done with Lloyd, Becky and Shannon to try to edit it before it goes to the printer.

There being no other business to address the meeting was adjourned at 9:40 and all is well.

Great job Shannon


Lloyd Thielmann (past chair and acting secretary for today only)