September 22, 2024 Meeting Minutes


September 22, 2024

A meeting of the board of directors of the Blackwater Lake Association (“the BLA”) was held on the above date at the home of Lloyd Thielmann. Chairman Shannon Klundt, Lloyd Thielmann, Becky Seemann, Brian Roos, Dodi Sletten, and Tim Maar were present.  Carolyn Dindorf joined via phone. Barbie Laughlin, Scott Agre, and Rick Zbikowski were absent.  A quorum was present for the meeting.

Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 8:34 a.m. by Board Chairman, Shannon Klundt.

Approval of Agenda

Shannon distributed the agenda prior to the meeting via email which, upon a motion duly made and seconded, was unanimously approved. 

                                          Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes

The minutes of the June 23, 2024 BOD’s meeting were distributed by Dodi Sletten previously via e-mail and reviewed by the board prior to this meeting. After review by the board which, upon a motion duly made and seconded, the minutes were approved unanimously.   

Treasurer’s Report

      Brian Roos provided the Treasurers report and updates via e-mail prior to the meeting.

    As of 9/17/2024, the General fund balance was $11,032.20 of which $5,000 (Walleye Stocking funds) is in a CD maturing on 10/9/2024. The Lake Protection Fund has a balance of $22,221.21 of which $19,569.33 are in CD’s maturing on 10/8/2024 and 11/20/202. The three CD’s are expected to yield $793.64 in interest. This balance also reflects the Silent auction proceeds of $1019 which took place at the annual meeting. The board asked Brian to look into rates on future CD’s after the three mature. All expenditures with the exception of costs for mailings, the blurb, and access maintenance have been paid.   

After review by the board which, upon a motion duly made and seconded, the Treasurer’s report was approved unanimously.   

 NEW Business

  1. Kids Fishing Giveaway: The fishing committee reported the kids fishing kit giveaway a big      success. 30 sets were distributed to member’s kids and grandkids. Many comments were received on the quality of the equipment. The committee thanked all who donated fishing lures etc. for the tackle boxes The Pine Cone Press provided a front page article on the event featuring a picture of the distribution.  Coverage of the event will also be a theme in the 2025 Blurb.
  2. Spring/Summer Blackwater Blurb:  Fishing will be the main focus along with an article on  the fishing kit giveaway. Becky reported that Judy Leeds will be doing the design and layout. The blurb will also feature members and who donated to the various needs. 
  3. Silent Auction Results: The silent auction was successful, bringing in $1019 to add to our Lake Protection fund. There were many quality donations again this year, with many repeat donators. Thanks to all who donated. 
  4. New Member Packets:  Becky reviewed what currently is included in the new member packets. New member forms and letter will be sent out in January. Lloyd asked if the membership form had been updated and if it included a request for their current e-mail. Becky indicated it did need to be updated to reflect 2025.
  5. Cabin Coffees: The schedule for cabin coffee will be June 13th, July 11th, and August 8th. Brian and Sharon Roos have volunteered for August 8 and Pat Mckee will host July 11. The June 13 date will be confirmed with a board member who had previously mentioned an interest in hosting.   
  6. BOD and Annual meeting dates: The BOD meetings for 2025 will be held on May 3th, June 21 and September 20st. The board agreed to move the meeting times to Saturday morning at 8:30a.m.The annual meeting is scheduled for July 19, 2025.
  7. ACCL Meetings: Some board members reported not getting notifications for ACCL meetings   consistently. Board members are encouraged to attend these meetings which are the last Friday of the month from May through September.
  8. Beaver Control: The beavers have constructed a large dam over the summer. This was allowed to stay in place to keep water levels consistent. 34 beavers were trapped since ice out. No new dam activity between the lake and road culvert. The board agreed to renew the contract with the beaver control individual at $850. Removal of the beaver dam will be based on weather conditions this fall. Shannon and Lloyd will determine when the best time to have it removed and coordinate with the beaver contractor.
  9. Fish Stocking: Shannon reported we contacted for 338 lbs. of walleye fingerlings with stocking to take place either in the spring or fall of 2025. This will be dependent on the contractor’s ability to meet the size and poundage conditions. Shannon will confirm once he’s notified. Pictures and an article will be placed in the Blurb thanking those who donated to the Walleye fund.
  10. AIS donation: Brian noted an AIS donation was received from the Grapentin family in honor and memory of Auggie and Coleen Grapentin.
  11. Bylaw Revisions: Shannon reported that he and Tim have completed the revisions to the   bylaws and he will be sending them out for review by the board. He asked that we review     them in time to approve in spring meeting.
  12. Water testing:  Jim Sletten has requested the water testing be passed on to another individual. A suggestion was made as to who might be interested and will be followed up by Lloyd and Brian to confirm. 

        Next Board Meetings and Annual Meeting

         The Board of Director’s meetings for 2025 will be held on May 3rd, June 21st and September 20th, 2025 at. 8:30a.m. The Annual meeting is scheduled for 7/19//2025.


There being no further business to come before the Board, and upon motion duly made and seconded, the meeting was adjourned by unanimous approval at 9:41 a.m.

Dated as of the date first written above.


         Dodi Sletten, Secretary