June 28th, 2020
A meeting of the board of directors of the Blackwater Lake Association (“the BLA”) was held via video conference and hosted by Carolyn Dindorf on the above date. Lloyd Thielmann, Carolyn Dindorf, Linda Burns, Dodi Sletten, Barbie Laughlin, Becky Seemann, Tim Marr, Shannon Klundt, and Scott Agre were present at the meeting. All board members were present at the meeting.
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 8:36 a.m. by Board Chairman, Lloyd Thielmann.
Approval of Agenda
Lloyd distributed the agenda prior to the meeting which, upon motion duly made and seconded, was unanimously approved.
Approval of Prior Minutes
The minutes of the May 3, 2020 BOD’s meeting minutes were distributed by Dodi Sletten previously via email and approved by the board prior to this meeting. The minutes were posted to the website by webmaster Travis Skalicky. The board made a final motion which was seconded and the meeting minutes were unanimously approved as submitted.
Treasurer’s Report
Linda Burns provided an email to the board prior to the meeting with both the detail and summary of the budget to date and will provide an updated budget for year end after June 30, 2020. She reported the current membership is at 138.
The combined balances in the General Account and the Lake Protection Fund is $10.307.81. Linda reported 58 member’s dues have been paid as well as some donations were received for water protection. She also reported the preapproved donations of $100 to the Lakes Area First Responders and $138 ($1.00 per member) to Northern Waters Land Trust will be paid out shortly.
Lloyd enquired about the Blurb expenditure of $1919.32. Linda explained that it was a timing issue of when the bills were received and paid and that the expense covered three Blurbs.
Lloyd asked Linda to contact Pat Schwerin to see if she could audit the books. If not able to, Tom Staley was suggested as a back-up.
After review by the board which, upon a motion duly made and seconded, the Treasurer’s report was approved unanimously.
New Business
- 4th of July Parade: The parade will be held on July 4th and the Larson’s will host and lead the parade. There will be no prize this year due to safety concerns with Covid-19. The boats will assemble at the entrance to Little Blackwater beginning at 1:45p.m.and will proceed clockwise starting at 2:00p.m.
- Email message: Lloyd will send out an email message with a reminder of the 4th of July parade along with a note that the beaver trapper is available to be hired for personal needs if folks are experiencing beaver damage issues. Additionally, Lloyd will urge members to sign up for electronic delivery of the Blurb. A discussion was held regarding ways to lower the cost of the blurb expense overall and this included potentially charging members or nonmembers for a paper copy. This was tabled as there may be members who either do not have an email or do not wish to receive it electronically.
- Blackwater Blurb: The Blurb will be published in the fall with a due date to have all articles to Becky by August 10th. Becky has targeted getting the final copy to Judy Leeds after Labor Day, September 7th. The following articles will be included:
- Fishing or hunting cover story-Becky will send out an email to the board for recommendations
- Meet your Lake Neighbor-Becky will interview Scott and Elizabeth Agre
- Remember When-Becky will interview the Staley’s as well as others for the article
- List of officers and committees-Lloyd
- Treasurers report and membership-Linda
- Recycling continued-Lloyd and Becky
- Recipe
- Updated Membership form to include a request to receive Blurb electronically
Lloyd asked Becky for an update on the Thank You notes. Becky reported that the note’s cover photo will feature a picture (captured by the Agres) of a bear in a tree. She will be working on the notes next week.
- ACCL Meetings: Lloyd attended the June 26th ACCL meeting online and updated the board on the presentations and updates that were given at the meeting. Kelly Condiff, from the Environmental Services Department of Cass County, reported on a program to test private wells in Cass County. In the testing that was conducted, 24 home sites were tested for arsenic and nitrates and 5 were found to have contamination from nitrates. Up The Creek Meats, an organic farmer, was highlighted for taking steps to protect the wetlands and environment. A research project sponsored by Lakes and River Advocates has been undertaken to study the effects of Wakeboard boats on lakes. Jeff Marr was highlighted for his work and contribution to this study.
- Beaver Control: Lloyd reported that beaver activity is under control due to the low water conditions.
- BOD Elections: As approved by the BLA BOD’s in the May 3, 2020 board meeting, an extension of a year was added to the service time for all board members and the election will take place at the 2021 annual meeting for those up for reelection. Up for reelection are Lloyd Thielmann-Chairman, Carolyn Dindorf-Vice Chairman, Linda Burns-Treasurer, Barbie Laughlin-Director, and Scott Agre-Director at Large.
New Business
- Wakeboard Boat concerns: A complaint was received regarding the use of Wakeboard boats and a concern over damage to shoreline, property and habitat. This remains outstanding as there are no current restrictions on the use of wakeboard boats. Lloyd reminded the board that folks need to be make sure to get a permit from Cass County Environmental Services before proceeding on any shoreline restoration project.
- Fish Stocking: Lloyd reported that the DNR fish egg collection was not done this year and will check with them on the impact this may have had on the restocking schedule. He also will ask them about providing a possible article on fish stocking for the Blurb.
- Bass Slot limits: Shannon inquired about revisiting the bass slot limit on Blackwater. Tim mentioned the fisheries may be receptive to looking at that for our lake. Lloyd will contact Doug Schultz to see if this could be revisited.
- Overfishing: Shannon questioned the number of pan fish that are taken out of little Blackwater every year with a concern of its effect on the overall population in the lake. Lloyd will ask the DNR to see if they have any recent surveys that may show the potential impact.
- AIS Volunteers and Activity: Becky inquired as to the status of the AIS volunteers and whether or not this is a continuing effort. Carolyn will send a note to all volunteers to obtain an update on the current activity. She also mentioned the increasing population of Chinese and Banded Mystery Snails in Blackwater. She will write a brief article for the blurb on this as well as a thank you to all AIS volunteers.
Next Board Meetings and Annual Meeting
The BLA Annual meeting for 2020 which was scheduled to be held on July 18th was cancelled due to Covid-19. The final Board of Directors meeting for 2020 will be held on September 27th.
There being no further business to come before the Board, and upon motion duly made and seconded, the meeting was adjourned by unanimous approval at 9:32 a.m.
Dated as of the date first written above.
Dodi Sletten, Secretary