June 25, 2017 Board Meeting


June 25, 2017

A meeting of the board of directors of the Blackwater Lake Association (“the BLA”) was held on the above date at 352 Norman Point Rd., Longville, MN 56655, at the home of Board Chair Lloyd Thielmann. Board of Directors Lloyd Thielmann, Barbie Laughlin, Dodi Sletten, Claus Peukert, Linda Burns (via phone), Dick Clough and Becky Seemann were present at the meeting. Jerry Franke and Travis Skalicky were not present. A quorum was present at the meeting.

Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 8:33a.m. by Board Chair, Lloyd Thielmann.

Approval of Agenda

Lloyd distributed the agenda for the meeting which, upon motion duly made and seconded, was unanimously approved.

Approval of Prior Minutes

The minutes of the May 7, 2016 BOD meeting were distributed by Dodi Sletten via email and approved prior to the meeting. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the meeting minutes were unanimously approved as submitted.  

Treasurer’s Report

 Linda Burns presented a detailed Treasurers report of our year over year expenditures and covered the recent expenses that were distributed. She reported our cash balance is at $2,029.91 with an uptake expected from the annual membership dues. Linda indicated our membership was at 128. Lloyd mentioned that the format Linda used to report to the board was potentially a good format for the annual meeting. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the Treasurers report was unanimously approved as submitted.

New Business

  1. AIS Early Detection Training: Lloyd reported the refresher training conducted by Carolyn Dindorf on June 17th was well received. Both Island and Mule lake association representatives attended the AIS training. Each association donated $66.00 to cover the cost of the books and the training. Both associations reported that the training was very helpful.
  2. 4th of July parade: Lloyd reminded the board of the parade starting times with boats assembling at 1:45pm on little Blackwater and a parade start of 2:00pm.
  3. Blackwater Merchandise: Lloyd reported that he had samples of the visor, shirts and hats for review of the board. Lloyd and Terry have volunteered to oversee the orders and sales of the Blackwater merchandise. All shirts and sweatshirts will be ordered individually at the annual meeting or in person with payment upfront.
  4. Beaver Control: Lloyd reported that Chaz Ratz continues to do an amazing job of beaver control by clearing the waterway and has recently removed a dam. .
  5. Board of Directors Elections: Lloyd Thielmann and Linda Burns have agreed to rerun for their respective 3 year terms as officers. Lloyd let the board know previously that this would be his last term as Chairman. Dick Clough previously informed the board he will not rerun as Vice Chair.  Becky Seemann, Travis Skalicky, and Jerry Franke have all agreed to re-run. A Vice Chair is needed to replace Dick. Lloyd and Becky suggested members who might be interested and those members will be contacted by the board members who agreed to do so. A number of members were previously contacted but were not interested. Becky suggested anyone interested be invited to the individual board meetings to allow them context into the process and the time commitment.
  6. ACCL Meetings: Lloyd reported that he will continue to attend the meetings and planned on attending the June 30th Becky attended the meeting in May. The meetings are held the last Friday of every month. Becky brought a sample of a Zebra mussel’s trap/detection device she obtained at the meeting. The discussion and consensus of the board was that the current one being used seemed adequate for our needs. Becky also distributed Cass County’s new book “Shoreland Homeowners Guide to Lake Stewardship” she picked up at the meeting.
  7. Blackwater Blurb: Lloyd will write a short article for the newsletter with assistance from Becky. Included in the newsletter will be the annual meeting agenda as well as an ad/ information on the Blackwater merchandise for sale. A short discussion was held on format changes/space improvement to the newsletter to allow for pictures etc. to have higher visibility. Lloyd also indicated that Larry is committed to continuing printing the newsletter.
  8. Annual Meeting: July 15th, 2017 is the date for the annual meeting. 9:00a.m. will be the social hour with the meeting commencing at 10:00a.m. Discussion and approval of the agenda was completed by the board. The newsletter including agenda and sportswear ad for the annual meeting will be sent out prior to the meeting. Labels are printed and ready to go. There will be no speaker this year as agreed to by the board. Sandwiches and potato salad will be ordered from Costco for the lunch. Claus will pick-up donuts. Barbie will head up obtaining door prizes. Becky and Dodi will host the luncheon. The board agreed to continue to send out thank you notes but with a new picture of the 4th of July parade. Dick will check with his son to see if he can take a high definition aerial drone view/picture of the parade.

Next Board Meetings

The next board meetings to be held at Lloyd’s home at 8:30 a.m. on October 1, 2017.


There being no further business to come before the Board, and upon motion duly made and seconded, the meeting was adjourned by unanimous approval at 10:20 a.m.

Dated as of the date first written above.


Dodi Sletten, Secretary 

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