2017 Annual Meeting

2017 Annual Meeting

  July 15, 2017

The Annual meeting of the members of the Blackwater Lake Association, hereinafter referred to as “BLA”, was held on the above date at 10:00 A.M. at Woodrow Town Hall. Fifty six members were present including board members, Lloyd Theilmann, Linda Burns, Dodi Sletten, Barbie Laughlin, Becky Seemann, Travis Skalicky, Jerry Franke, and Claus Peukert. Dick Clough was absent.   

  Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 10:06 A.M by Board Chair, Lloyd Thielmann.

Approval of Agenda

The members reviewed the agenda for the meeting and upon motion duly made and seconded, the agenda was unanimously approved.

Approval of Prior Minutes

The minutes of the 2016 annual meeting were posted on line and at the meeting by Secretary, Dodi Sletten.  Upon motion duly made and seconded, the minutes were unanimously approved.

Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer, Linda Burns presented the following highlights from the treasurer’s report for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2017:

Opening Balance:  $3,500.47       

Credits:        $4,051.00                                 

Expenses:      $5,521.56               

Ending Balance:     $2,029.91        

Linda also noted that our membership dues covered our normal operating expenses for the year, but that our expense were higher than the income. Dues make up the majority of income with additional AIS donations totaling $740.00 and hat sales of $366.00. The highest expense is Beaver control and additional expenses including AIS, Blackwater Blurb, Seedlings, RMB LABS, and others as listed in her report along with an initial layout for hats and visors. Once sold, the hats and visors sale should yield us $800.00.  

Upon motion duly made and seconded, the Treasurers Report was unanimously approved.

Auditor’s Report

Pat Schwerin reported that she had reviewed the books and noted very detailed records kept by Linda and found them to be in order.


A moment of silence was held in remembrance of William Schmokel, Gary McDonald and Joe Lane who passed away this past year.

Committee Reports

  1. 4th of July Parade: Travis reported that 25 watercraft participated in this year’s boat parade. The Spence family won the parade with the Ice Cream truck theme.
  2. Beaver Control: Lloyd reported that our new beaver control contractor has been doing a fantastic job. Beaver control is essential to keep the water clean and at an appropriate level so properties do not flood and get damaged by high water. Lloyd indicated that individual beaver control needs are not covered by the lake association but can contact our trapper directly.
  3. Bog report: Lloyd reported the bog still is in place where it was anchored.
  4. Lake water quality report: Jim Sletten Introduced the background process of the lake testing. He walked through which site he tested versus from previous years. One sample showed a much higher Phosphorous reading due to a bad reading attributed to either a bad test sample or lake not yet turned over and eliminating that test the results seem in line with previous year averages. Secchi disk reading and Chlorophyll had not changed significantly from previous readings. Members asked what could be done to make sure it does not trend negatively.  Discussion centered on managing runoff by planting trees to eliminate the hard run off surfaces thus creating filtering zones.  Becky mentioned the new Cass County “Shoreland Homeowners Guide to Lake Stewardship available for the members to take with as a reference guide.   
  5. AIS Update: Becky Seemann highlighted this year’s activities by having the members who volunteer to stand and be recognized. An AIS refresher and retraining course that included volunteers from the Mule Lake and Island association was given by Carolyn Dindorff in June.  Members asked about the Chinese Mystery Snail and how to recognize them and what to do with them.  A discussion was held on best methods to control Rusty crayfish and trapping methods.  Members were encouraged to read and follow the DNR trapping regulations and were reminded that a fishing license is required.   
  6. Membership report and AIS funding: Linda Burns covered what was donated for AIS funding and reported membership at 128.
  7. ACCL: Becky Seemann relayed the meeting times and dates that take place monthly. She relayed the importance of connecting with other lake associations and that the learnings and exchanges of information shared was valuable. She reported that no additional funding had been obtained to increase the budget for battling AIS. A recommendation was suggested that a common voice of numerous lake associations would to help have a bigger voice to petition for additional funding.  Lloyd reported that Doug Schultz from the Walker area fisheries spoke at the June meeting and talked about what to stock, water health and about pipeline effects.
  8. Board of Directors Nominations and Election:  Lloyd thanked Dick Clough for his 19+ years of serving on the board. The board has nominated:
    • Lloyd Theilmann-Chairperson-3 year term
    • Open-Vice Chairperson-3 year term
    • Linda Burns-Treasurer-3 year term
    • Travis Skalicky-Director-2 year term
    • Becky Seemann-Director-2 year term
    • Jerry Franke-Director At Large-1 year term

Lloyd asked the floor for any nominations. There were none. Vice Chairperson Nominee’s discussion was tabled.  A motion was duly made and seconded, the nominations were closed and the slate of directors nominated by the Board of directors was elected by unanimous acclimation.

  1. Blackwater Wear Sales: Lloyd introduced the sales of Blackwater wear that will help build up our general fund and to help offset AIS costs and future issues.  Lloyd and Terry Thielmann are managing the orders and had samples of the wear at the meeting.   
  2. Other business: Lloyd opened the floor for any additional topics for discussion.
    • A suggestion was made to increase dues to help build up budget. A motion was made to have the board take under advisement.
    • A new member who is also secretary for the Lake Haven Association has volunteered to work with Lloyd to encourage Blackwater Lake Association membership by sending emails to their members and ensuring Lloyd is on the agenda to speak at their fall meeting.
    • Court Lechert thanked the board for the increase in budget for the seedlings program.  
    • Lloyd mentioned we had 32 hours per week from the volunteers who are doing the AIS boat launch monitoring. He also relayed that Cass County will pay for boat cleaning if needed.   
  3. Door Prizes: A drawing was held for door prizes. A list of the winners will be published in the next Blackwater Blurb.

There being no further business to come before it, upon motion duly made and seconded, the meeting was unanimously adjourned at 11:55 A.M.

Dated as of the date first written above.


Dodi Sletten, Secretary

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